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A Prayer to Stay on God’s Path

Published on July 3, 2024

And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, ‘Abba Father”.  Galatians 4:6 (NLT)

Abba, thank you for sending a helper to direct my steps.  You know everything and will guide me in your will.

Help me to know your will.  Keep me on the path you have set for Give me the desire to stay true to that path, and forgive me for the times I have already strayed from you.

Be with my friends and family who are at a crossroads and don’t know what to do next.  May your spirit guide them and make the best decision clear.

Thank you for caring about the details of my life, for not believing any request is too small.  I pray this I Jesus name, amen.

By Max Lucado
Used by permission

From: Pocket Prayers

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Further Reading

•  Hearing God’s Voice – a Study by Charles Stanley

•  Reading the Bible – Where to Start?

•  Salvation Explained

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