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Be the Light

Published on May 9, 2022

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you; God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.”  1 John 1:5

As we journeyed on our boat ride through the spectacular winding rooms at Waitomo Caves in New Zealand, we were amazed with the abundance of glow worms that lit up the dark, damp and sheltered cave. The glowworms’ bio luminescent tails generated a beautiful bright light.

At that very moment, while floating along in the boat I began to ponder about the light of Christ in this otherwise dark world, and how Isaiah had prophesied that out of a darkened Galilee would come a great light for everyone (John 1:9). Christ would be the “light of the world”, the One in whom there is “no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5).

The scriptures tell us we are the light that Christ has sent to this dark world (Matthew 5:14). One of our tasks as Christians is to shine brightly so our Savior can be known to others and be glorified.
One of our tasks as Christians is to shine brightly so our Savior can be known to others and be glorified.

Are you a representation of God’s light in the world? Are you exposing the darkness through the truth and bearing fruit for his Kingdom? Today, let his mercy, grace and goodness overwhelm you, and allow God’s presence to fill you so others can see the light he provided the world.

Dear God, thank you for sending your son, Jesus Christ to save us from the darkness of sin. Help us to fathom how we can share your light to others in our world. May we be grateful for your presence and use the tools you gave us to represent you. Amen.

By Julie Lairsey
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Pressing the RESET button on our lives 

•   Keeping Yourself in God’s Love – even during painful times in your life

•  Salvation Explained

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