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You are Never Really Alone

Published on May 28, 2022

But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.’ John 16:7

Are there times in your faith journey when you feel desperately alone?

There have been many such times in my personal faith adventure – especially during times of unexpected hardship or even personal loss. My head questions my heart’s assurance: “Where is God when I need him?” or “Why isn’t God helping me?” In my vulnerable state of mind, I can easily assume that God has abandoned me, and that I must confront and overcome my adversity in my own strength, in my own wisdom, and completely alone. Through experience, I have learned that perception does not always reflect reality.

Is it possible that Jesus’ inner circle of twelve disciples imagined being alone when he told them that he was going away? Surely, they anticipated hardship and loss at the inevitability of Jesus’ departure. How would they cope without him? How could they persevere through adversity without him nearby? Jesus, foreseeing their inner dilemma, assures them that they will never be alone. In fact, he asserts that going away is good for them in the long term. He promises them a helper – a companion, comforter, and counsellor who will dwell in them, empower them, comfort them, and counsel them. Jesus promises that the Spirit will be with them forever.

Do you perceive that you are alone – especially during difficult life seasons? Remember, perception does not always reflect reality. In today’s broken and hurting world, Christ followers are not exempt from hardship and grief. However, thankfully, God has promised to never abandon us. He provides us with a divine helper who dwells within us to sanctify us and empower us to persevere through any test, trial, or tribulation.

Like God dwelling within the tabernacle and temple, his Holy Spirit dwells within us. We are his temple and sanctuary – saved, sealed, and sanctified – never alone. Jesus assures us, “… Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the promise of never leaving us and for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Fill me with your Spirit – my companion, comforter, and counsellor – my unwavering assurance of never being alone all the days of my life.

Remind yourself that God assures you that you are never alone. Memorize some of Jesus’ promises regarding the gift of the Spirit.

By Allan Mitchell
used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Alone But Not Lonely

•  Hope for the Hopeless

•  Salvation Explained

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