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Renewed and Revitalized

Published on January 1, 2023

“..but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)

A New Year has once again begun, which usually means we want to start afresh and hopefully do things differently this year.

We have been rushing around both before and after Christmas, enjoying the company of family and friends and stressing out about all sorts of things which have nothing to do with Christ’s birth.  As children we counted down the days until that wonderful morning when we would awaken to presents and to the fun and laughter of all that day brings. As adults we count down the days, madly baking and buying last minute presents and cards to send to our many family and friends. After the celebrations have finished we cleaned up and wondered why we went to all that trouble as we are left tired and flat.

The above passage from Isaiah points out to us that if we have faith and hope in the Lord then we are able to draw on the strength and peace that only God can give as we start this New Year.  I used to think that this passage was just for saints and those who spent all their time working for the Lord, but over the years I have come to realize that it applies to all of us, no matter the reason for our tiredness and listlessness.  It could be that we have become weary from the days of endless stress at work or at home and all we feel like doing is crawling into our own shells and shutting the rest of the world out. Illness or family tensions leave us exhausted.  It could be through a feeling of loneliness or perhaps the opposite “ too many people crowding in and making demands on us, that we simply want to stand up and say “enough is enough”.  That is when God wraps us in His loving arms and lifts up our heads so we can face another day.

Loving One, we awake to this new year, knowing that You will be beside us and alive in us each moment of every day.  As this year unfolds give us the strength and the peace that we need to keep going so that we may live a life of joy as You so wish us to have. Thank you, Lord, that every moment is a new beginning, not just the start of a new year and help us to soar on wings of eagles when we become weary. Amen.

By Terry Stead
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  New Year Thoughts

•  Devotional: A New Heart

•  Salvation Explained


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