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Walk Through the Fire

Published on March 12, 2023

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.:  Isaiah 43:2

I have a wonderful admiration for firefighters. Their acts of bravery, showing initiative and capability in their rescues is inspiring.

My dad was a courageous and heroic fireman; he willingly risked his own life to save others. My childhood memories are still very vivid and I keenly remember when my mom used to take me to Central Fire Station #1 for weekly visits while my dad was on duty. Sliding down the fireman pole, standing on the back of the bright red fire truck, playing with Sparky the Dalmatian and giving him his favorite treat out of the Chiclets gum machine. I can still smell the aroma of spaghetti in the firehouse kitchen while the firemen sat around the table, playing cards and reflecting on their day.

One incredible story my dad shared is when he rescued a woman who was wedged inside a burning house. The Christmas tree had caught on fire, and the home was completely engulfed in flames. Working for approximately 30 minutes to free the trapped woman, he ran out of oxygen. He was doubtful they would survive, but miraculously the Lord sustained them and they both made it out. He gives God the glory for delivering him though many treacherous situations.

The promise in today’s scripture still applies to us today. The prophet Isaiah penned these words to the nation of Israel to comfort and assure God’s people. All of us have experienced the “heat” of trials. It is through these places of fire that God has made some of his most faithful servants. Many great testimonies will include “while I was in the fire” in recounting how God refined them and that it was “in the fire” where God lifted them up. King Nebuchadnezzar had three Jews thrown into the fiery furnace for refusing to bow to an idol god. When he looked into the furnace, he saw four men “walking in the fire” (Daniel 3:19-25). “And the fourth man looked like the Son of God.”

Jordan St. Cyr, writer and singer of “Fires”, reminds us that we don’t have to be afraid. Through God’s unfailing love, endless mercy and compassion we can be victorious even when the smoke billows higher and higher. We will all have troubles, but Jesus will always walk through them with us.

Dear Lord, thank you for helping me walk through the fires even when I am afraid. Help me to rely upon your promises in the Bible during challenging times, and rest in the full assurance of your love. May you be glorified in all situations. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

By Julie Lairsey
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   God Is…

•  More than a Father

•  Salvation Explained