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Thriving in Siberia

Published on January 5, 2010

by Vonette Bright

‘Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.’ Proverbs 3:5&6

Tanya and her husband lived three years in Siberia.
Yet they consider that a highlight of their lives.
There, Tanya learned to listen to the Lord instead of her own hesitations.

Here are some spiritual survival tips she gave us.  Maybe they‘ll help you as well.

Number one – Live moment by moment in the power of the Holy Spirit.  Follow His leading.

Number two
– Develop a grateful heart.  A grateful heart is a healthier heart.

Number three
– Desire God’s will more than your own.

Number four
– Listen for God to call you by name in the darkness.

And lastly, number five
– Pray for God to send workers into His harvest.
Then, be willing to go wherever He sends you, whether it’s next door or around the world!
Even if that means going to Siberia!

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