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God Weaves

Published on February 8, 2010

by Vonette Bright

“Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think” Ephesians 3:20

God has an amazing way of bringing people together!  Author Jeannie Taylor sent us this story.

A woman was talking on the phone with her lonely 19-year-old daughter, Amber, who was away at school.  It broke her mom’s heart.  As they talked, mom prayed for God to show her how she could help Amber.  After she hung up, the mom turned on the radio and heard Women Today!  That day featured Jeanie’s story about her son in Iraq.   Amber’s was also a military family.

The mom hesitantly wrote Jeanie.  It turned out that Amber attends school about a mile from Jeannie’s house!  She took Amber to her church where the ladies gave her lots of hugs and encouragement.  Amber’s mom was thrilled!

Yes, God and answered prayer, are amazing!

Jeannie St. John Taylor, Author/ Illustrator/ Speaker
Books include: Prayers for Troubled Times, AMG Publishers,
Does God Have a Job?, and Am I Making God Smile?
, (Kregel Publishing)

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