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Family Resemblance

Published on April 10, 2010

By Marilyn Ehle

I urge you to imitate me…” 1 Corinthians 4:16

Imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised..” Hebrews 6:12

Consider the outcome of (your leaders) way of life and imitate their faith..” Hebrews 13:7

After refreshing her cup of coffee, my always-stylish friend returned to our table with a chuckle. When I asked the reason for her amusement, she replied, “As I passed a nearby booth, a woman said,  “I want to look like you! Not just your clothes, I want to look like you when I’m your age.”

Whether joining me for our regular Monday morning meeting at a favorite restaurant or cleaning out the garage, Anne’s wardrobe is “together.”  Her finances are minimal so I know her clothing is not from the exclusive stores on the north end of town, but she always somehow knows how to dress whether the outfit is casual or dressy. On this particular morning she leaned toward the former: jeans, sandals, black tee and oversized white shirt. And a straw hat perched on her short, stylishly cut white hair.

But my seventy-year-old friend possesses much more than an innate talent for putting together the right clothing. It is her “inner wardrobe” that sets her apart, the quality that draws people. Anne spends much time in the Word, seeking to always obey what the Holy Spirit reveals. She devotes herself to life-changing prayer, prayer that includes her family, friends and their concerns, her church family, the broader Christian community, her country and the world. While reading the newspaper or hearing media broadcasts, she prays for people and events. She is well read, well informed. She attracts people not only to herself but to the Jesus she loves and follows.

The Apostle Paul was bold to say, “I urge you to imitate me“.  While recognizing his human tendencies, he also knew that, when controlled by God’s Spirit, he could relax and allow that Spirit to produce life that could be imitated. What an affirmation of God’s work within us when someone says, “I want to look like you!”Lord, you know that too often there is little family resemblance between me and you. Please remind me to dress my spirit as well as my body each morning and thus draw people to your beauty.

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