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Hope for the Hurting

Published on November 1, 2021

Dear one, turn to God in the midst of your suffering.
Only He can heal a hurting heart.

A few years ago, Kim lost someone dear to her through death.
She suffered deeply, feeling abandoned.  Through this dark time she began to search the Bible for God’s answers.

Psalm 34 provided hope.  Verse 18 says:  “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those who are crushed in spirit
That’s how Kim felt!  So she prayed and trusted God to rescue her.

Through this experience, Kim gained a much more intimate dependency on Christ and her eyes were opened to how much others were hurting, too  God gave her a deeper compassion for people who are suffering.  Kim Dexter’s songs tell of hurting people about hope found only in Jesus.

Dear one, turn to God in the midst of your suffering.
Only He can heal a hurting heart.

Through my own experience, I realized how many people are hurting in so many ways,” says Kim. “Most people suffer in ways you’d never know. I want to show others what I learned about God and how He can help them in their lives. This record is focused on finding healing for the hurting and delivering the strong message of surrendering your life.

By Vonette Bright
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Alone But Not Lonely

•  Broken but Made Beautiful

•  Salvation Explained

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