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Angel at a Bulgarian Train Station

Angel at the Train Station

I would like to share my angel story with you.

Approximately 1994, I had gone to Bulgaria on a mission’s trip.  We flew into Sofia and were to catch a train to go to Russia.  While in the train station we tried finding someone who could speak English to advise us what train to take. I couldn’t believe it but we could not find anyone who spoke English.  We asked the employee’s at the station, military personal, priest and nuns, we asked everyone we could, but no one seemed to speak English. It was getting close to the time our train was to leave, a friend of mine and I stood in front of the leader board praying.  Either God was going to teach us how to read Bulgarian or it was going to turn into English.

While we were praying a man walked up to us and said he spoke English.  We told him of our plight, he said he would walk us out to the train and show us were to get on.  We followed him out to the train, he got the conductor and told him where we were going, and asked him to make sure we got to the right town.  When we turned around to thank him he was gone.  We were standing on this long runner the trains pulls up to, to load passengers and there was no way he could have walked down that runner in the time we turned from the conductor to say thanks. I believe the Lord sent an angel to get us on our way to do our work for him.

This a story of an angel was sent to us by one of our web site visitors.

Please read this article to understand angels more deeply :  Biblical Teaching about Angels

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Further Reading:

God is Thinking about You

Jesus is Always There!

How Big is God?

Father God’s Intimate Love Letter to You