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About Donna Mitchell

About Donna Mitchell

Inside every person is a desire to leave the ordinary behind and experience the extraordinary, perfect plan of the Lord for living life with passion and purpose – longing to make a difference in this world.

A native of Toronto, Ontario, Donna Mitchell was born and raised in a non-Christian home, but at the age of 22, she decided to commit herself to following Jesus. Transformed and compelled by her faith, Donna immediately recognized and embraced God’s call on her life and she prepared for full time ministry. Before Donna embraced her eventual ministry call, she spent 13 years in the investment industry and concurrently obtained a Bachelor of Religious Studies from Tyndale (formerly Ontario Bible College) and a Master of Divinity degree from Canadian Theological Seminary.

From 1994-2005, Donna served at Sherwood Park Alliance Church as Pastor of Women’s Ministries. During her 11 years of service, Donna served as Missions Champion, Adult Ministries Team Leader, and chaplain for the Sherwood Park RCMP detachment. During her tenure at SPAC, she graduated from the Arrow Leadership Program.

Currently, Donna serves as the National Director for Connecting Streams’ Ministry, a ministry division of Power to Change. Donna’s primary passion is to empower believers to experience the Christian life as God intended: surrendering to His complete Lordship; depending upon His Spirit; helping them rediscover God’s heart for the world by reaching out to the broken and the marginalized in our society. Donna encourages believers to rediscover a relevant, thriving faith that authentically and completely reflects Jesus; as a result, restoring believers and those discovering faith in Jesus to the abundant life that God intended (Isaiah 58).

As a national ministry leader, Donna eloquently expresses her passion as a compelling influential speaker at regional and national conferences, outreach events, church retreats and leadership workshops to encourage, empower, and equip believers to step out from behind church walls to reach out to a hurting world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Donna resides in Sherwood Park, Alberta with her husband, Allan, her black lab Kodi and she is step-mom to three adult sons.

More about Donna at: