Welcome! Let me take a moment to introduce myself. I am a pastor and a writer, harnessing the power of words to communicate the good news about The Word—Jesus Christ.

I am also learning more and more of God’s grace, which I’ve tried to relate in the re: logo you’ll see around this site. The two letters are not only my initials; they also convey the idea of something that happens again, as in second chances, and are used to identify a subject or topic, as in “re: grace.” I need all the second chances I can get to experience grace!

My wife, Eiley, is an interior designer with a passion for serving and strengthening women. She has recently launched a business that helps artisans in poverty-stricken areas around the world provide for their families and communities, while at the same time helping families in the West create beautiful, life-giving homes that express their own uniqueness.

Eiley and I have an adult son, Morgan; a daughter, Molly, in university; and another daughter, Megan, in high school. We live in Sonora, California, where I pastor The Journey Church.

I’ve been around a lot, both geographically and professionally: A pastor for five years, financial services for fifteen, and seven in the U.S. Air Force and California Air National Guard. I’ve been a mailman, pipe organ installer, groundskeeper, dishwasher, busboy, cab driver, oil tank cleaner and assembler, secretary, photo processor, and mailroom clerk. I’ve had the privilege of living in Michigan, Minnesota, Texas, British Columbia, Germany, Washington, England, Colorado, Oregon, and California; and have traveled in Mexico, Europe, South Korea, Ethiopia, and Liberia.