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About Terry Stead

About Terry Stead

Terry Stead is 70 years old and lives in Adelaide, South Australia.  Married to Ian for 49 years she has two daughters and two adorable grandsons.

She has a simple, strong faith knowing absolutely that God is in everything, that He loves each person unconditionally and gives a freedom that can never be taken away.

Over the past 5 years she has become increasingly immobile and since accepting her disability God has given her a new ministry via the internet.  She never ceases to wonder why God chose one of the ‘Silent Generation’, not a Baby Boomer, Generation X or Generation Y person to be at the forefront of spiritual technology!  Her writing also encompasses courses in Intercessory Prayer, Meditations, Poems, Reflections and also wrote and conducted quiet retreats and workshops.  For many years she wrote a monthly spiritual resources which were sent (by request) all over the world to individuals, churches, schools, jails and aged care facilities.