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The Tapestry of Life

Published on June 30, 2015

“For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb…My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.”  Psalm 139:13,15

My mom and mother-in-law have given me several quilts and tapestries as heirlooms to cherish.  Each quilt was lovingly made by adding stitch by stitch and square by square together to produce a beautiful piece of art.  When the thread and scraps of material are separate, they don’t have much meaning.  But when the weaver or quilter forms them together by sewing and stitching in a pattern, they become so much more.  An elaborate fabric that tells a story is produced.  And this elaborate fabric is also made into something very useful.

I can’t help but think that each of my experiences are like squares or pieces of the quilt of my life.  It seems each experience I’ve had, the big and the small, all work together intricately to form the pattern of my existence.   Every friendship I’ve had, every disappointment incurred, every moment of happiness, every time I’ve felt God’s presence, every choice I’ve made, all have been formed by God to create my life tapestry.

I often wonder what my life tapestry will look like as I get older?  What designs, patterns, colors and themes will my tapestry behold?  How will my fabric look different from others?  Will I be able to distinguish those times when I struggled from the moments of rejoicing by a change in the pattern or variation in color?

The Bible reinforces that God is the Master Weaver.  I know God knitted me together in my mother’s womb and wove me together in the depths of the earth.  How precious I am to Him that created me, that He took such care to form me?  Even more so now, I am cherished by Him as He continues to work in my life, piecing all my experiences together for His good, for His purposes.  Whether there is sadness or happiness, when I choose to let God have His will in my life, He forms all of it into a wonderful tapestry for His glory.  He turns my life into something useful for Him and His kingdom.

Eventually my days on earth will come to an end and my tapestry will be completed.  I hope the fabric of my life will be even more beautiful than the quilts and weavings I have as heirlooms now.  But most of all, I aspire when the Master Weaver reflects upon my tapestry, He will experience great joy and pride for the life I lived for Him.

Make a choice to abide in His will and watch as your beautiful story is woven into your incredible tapestry by the Master Weaver.

Lord, please design my life into the beautiful tapestry or quilt you desire it to be.  Let me live inside Your will so that Your purposes will be accomplished.  Give me peace when struggles and disappointments arise in life, that I may know you are weaving it all together to form my life’s story that points to You.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

By Alisha Ritchie
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