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Emulating Jesus

Published on May 31, 2020

“‘The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.’”  Luke 4:18 & 19

Has the recent health crisis changed your perception of what is important on this side of eternity?

We now live in a world where social distancing and potential self-isolation define our new normal.

As Christ followers, how do we remain socially influential? How do we appropriately respond to those within our sphere of influence during an unpredictable and unprecedented season of perceived oppression and fear?

In Luke’s gospel, reiterating Isaiah’s words, Jesus defined his mission mandate. His words reflected the Father’s heart by emphasizing and summarizing God’s call and ultimate commission as Jesus began his earthly ministry assignment. Jesus, emulating the Father, embraced his mandate to reconcile a broken and hurting world to the Father. Jesus, while on earth, was the Father’s hands, feet, and voice, proclaiming the gospel of heaven’s hope:

freedom for the prisoners, sight for the blind, the oppressed free, and “the Lord’s favor.

Remarkably, toward the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry, he challenged, called, and commissioned his followers to embrace his mission mantle by continuing to be his hands, feet, and voice to a fallen and broken world once he ascended back to the Father. We now have the Holy Spirit to assist us in doing this.

As our Father sent Jesus, Jesus also sends us. The world is watching — not impressed or influenced by just what we say, but by how we authentically and credibly emulate Jesus. As his appointed ambassadors and messengers to a world immersed in chaos and calamity, our call is to be Jesus’ hands, feet, and voice proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favor to a world desperately seeking a Savior.

Ask the Lord how you can emulate Jesus within your sphere of influence despite the restrictions imposed by this pandemic.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your everlasting mercy and grace, and for the honor and privilege of being your hands, feet, and voice among those you seek to save. Empower me with your Spirit. Give me the words and wisdom to credibly and authentically reflect you among the people I encounter in my daily walk. Enlarge my sphere of influence so that I may proclaim your sovereignty and grace to a world desperately seeking a Savior. Amen.

By Allan Mitchell
Used by Permission

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