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Absolute Dependence

Published on May 23, 2016

devotional on

Yes, I am the vine, you are the branches… For apart from me you can do nothing.John 15:5

The Christian Life is a life of Absolute dependence.  At Hampton Court there was a vine that sometimes bore a couple thousand cluster of grapes.  People were amazed at its productivity.  Later the secret was discovered.  Not too far from Hampton Court flows the River Thames. The vine had stretched its roots hundreds of yards under the ground until it came to the riverbed.  There, in all the nutrients of the river bottom, it found rich nourishment and moisture.  The roots drew the sap all the distance to the branches.

The vine had the work to do.  The branches simply had to depend upon the vine and receive what it gave.

That is exactly what Christ desires you to understand.  Christ desires that in all your work, the very foundation should be the simple acceptance that Christ must care for all.

As you depend on Him He supplies your needs by sending down the Holy Spirit. Jesus wants you to be dependent as you serve Him.  Day by day, hour by hour, in everything you do, simply abide before Him.  Live in the total helplessness of one who can do nothing.

Absolute dependence upon God is the secret of power at work.  You and I have nothing unless we receive it from Jesus.

By Andrew Murray
From: ‘Teach Me to Pray’
Used by permission.

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