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Continuing in Fear

Published on January 26, 2024

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.  1 Corinthians 15:58

The Bible talks about fear and conquering it. But sometimes, I think we believe we have to have conquered our fears before going out and doing what God has called us to do. That’s an untrue assumption.

Elisabeth Elliot once said,

“Sometimes when we are called to obey, the fear does not subside and we are expected to move against the fear. One must choose to do it afraid.”

Fear is something we should tackle and conquer as the Bible clearly points out, but if we use fear as our excuse for not obeying God, then we’re going about things the wrong way. Sometimes we don’t quite have fear conquered, yet we still need to take a leap of faith, trust God, and push forward in whatever it is that God has commanded us to do.

Maybe you were asked to speak somewhere, share your faith, lead a Bible study, or use your talents in a public setting. Maybe you accepted the opportunity, believing God wanted you to accept, but you still haven’t conquered your fear. This is the perfect time to remember not to let fear get the best of you. Fear shouldn’t keep you from leading that Bible study or honoring God through your gifts. Sometimes you just have to move on in faith and do what God wants you to, even in the midst of fear.

Your reward will be greater confidence and joy and seeing God use you to bless others. Fear will have less of a hold on you because you chose to walk in faith.

Dear Lord, as I obey your will, please give me courage to do what you want me to do. Take away the fear as I walk out your plans for me. Amen.

By Ashlea Massie
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