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Caring For Others

Published on September 23, 2021

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

When a family member faced an uncertain prognosis ? a possible diagnosis of cancer — I was anxious about their future and my future. I didn’t want to think about the possible unpleasant events to come. Because of this, I was very desirous to share my burden with others, in the belief that the prayers of others would help spare my family member from her health issues. But what I found was that nobody to whom I thought I was close really cared.

Nobody said they’d pray.

Angry, I sought the counsel of a friend, confiding in them my feelings towards my supposed Christian “friends” and their actions against me. Graciously, this friend pointed out that yes, it is a sad situation when believers cannot be relied upon for help, but she gently asked if I had ever done the exact same thing without realizing it. I thought about it and had to admit that as a believer, I had failed others many times too. I had merely said a tiny prayer once for someone with health issues or completely ignored their burden because I couldn’t understand the magnitude of their situation; well, that is, until I was in their shoes.

That’s exactly what Christ calls us to do — to bear each other’s burdens. It doesn’t matter if your best friend or your pastor doesn’t do that for you, you are required to, no matter what others around you are doing. You might just be that only person’s advocate. Take some time today to think about how you can bear someone else’s burden.

Father in Heaven, spur in our hearts the desire to pray for others and remind us throughout the day to do so. Let us always be ready to pray for others and ask for prayers for ourselves and those we love. Amen.

By Ashlea Massey
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Prayer – Asking Specifically
•  Intercessory Prayer Story
•  Salvation Explained