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Jesus Loves All

Published on November 19, 2023

“Let love of the brethren continue. Let love of the brethren continue.”  Hebrews 13:1 (NLT)

When you think of the word church what comes to mind?

Perhaps a building or a religious organization? Nelson’s Bible Dictionary describes church as “A local assembly of believers as well as the redeemed of all the ages who follow Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. When the church general is implied, “church” refers to all who follow Christ, without respect to locality or time.” And that “It will not be complete until after the judgment, and the assembly of all the redeemed in one place will become a reality only after the return of Christ.”

The church is not a building nor is it known by a particular name. God’s people are what makes up the body of Christ. Whether you belong to a small church or a large church makes no difference to God. God loves his entire church regardless of size. Whether your church gathers in an epic building, a room at the YMCA or a prison cell doesn’t matter. God loves all his people regardless of where they meet.

Jesus said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34 NLT). Don’t judge nor look down on others because they don’t attend the same church “building” you do. Remember God loves all His people no matter which church they attend.

More To Ponder: Let God know how grateful you are that He chose and adopted you into His family of believers. Tell Jesus how excited you are about the great assembly that will take place after His return for His bride, the church.

By Barbara Alpert
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

• Keep On Keeping On – by Marilyn Ehle

A Christian Muslim in the Middle East

19 Ways to Encourage Others – by Stacy