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Everything Belongs to Us

Published on September 1, 2010

by Dr. Bill Bright

Now we are no longer slaves, but God’s own sons. And since we are His sons, everything He has belongs to us, for that is the way God planned” Galatians 4:7

In the sense of being under the servitude of sin, you and I are no longer servants or slaves. We are sons and daughters, children of God, adopted into His family, and are to be treated as sons and daughters.

What a glorious privilege is ours in Christ!

In our exalted position as sons and daughters, of course we are to be treated as sons and daughters. We are to share God’s favors, His blessings. And as sons and daughters, it follows that we have responsibilities – not only to our heavenly Father, but also to other sons and daughters in Christ.

All that God has, Paul is saying, belongs to us as well for we are His sons and daughters. But there is another side to our exalted position – obedience to the Lord. And His calling is sure: “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.”

If we are following our Lord, we are becoming fishers of men – soul-winners. We are regularly and naturally, as a part of our daily routine, sharing the good news of the gospel with those whose lives we touch.

That does not necessarily mean buttonholing people and making a nuisance of ourselves; it does mean being available for God’s Holy Spirit to speak through us in every conversation as He chooses. It also means being “prayed up,” with no unconfessed sin in our lives.

Bible Reading: Matthew 4:18-20

Today’s Action Point: With the Power of the Holy Spirit available to me by faith, I will behave like a child of the King – a son of the Most High. I will live a supernatural life for the Glory of God.

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