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Giving Away Our Gifts

Published on December 11, 2022

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do and he will establish your plans.” Proverb 16:3

In Whistle While You Work, Richard Leider and David Shapiro make the point that “calling” has traditionally been associated with God’s summoning of pastors or missionaries. We’ve likely heard such language as: “He was called to the ministry” or “she was called to missions.” When we adopt this way of thinking, we judge non-ministry work as second-class and less worthy.

But Leider and Shapiro suggest that calling is more inclusive than just to ministry; they believe calling is any inner tug or summoning to “give our gifts away.” We sense that bid for our heart when we’re doing what we do well and blessing others along the way.

What gifts do you love giving away? What activity brings you joy? Which of these joy-giving abilities do you value most?

Maybe your answer is serving people, working with technology, planning events, building things, performing music, or teaching others. God calls us to go for it as we love him and love others. As the proverb notes, when we commit our ways to Him, he will help us figure out the details.

Can you name a gift you passionately value? Are you willing to commit it to God? Doing so will help you discern your calling where you are right now.

Dear God, thank You for making sacred the work I do in Your name with the gifts You’ve given me to give away. Help me take stock of my gifts, passions, and values so I may discern how I may best invest my life loving You, people, and myself. May I know in my spirit Your summoning so I may joyfully give my gifts away. Amen.

By Bill Strom
Used by permission

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