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Why Am I Feeling Sluggish?

Published on July 20, 2022

Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift up my hands toward your Most Holy Place.” Psalm 28:2

How are you feeling as the world awakens from the pandemic? Are some days bright and light as you seize the opportunity to meet with long-separated loved ones? Me too. But what about other days? Personally, some days I slug along with blurred focus and little energy, wishing I felt happier and optimistic, but often feeling down and just plain blah.

Why so glum if things are looking better?

A key reason is because despite getting back to normal, we have lost much, and loss causes grief.

What did you lose during the pandemic? Many lost the effort and purpose of meaningful work. Most lost routines and habits that gave structure and benchmarks to each day. People also lost celebrating anniversaries and birthdays and weddings or gatherings to say goodbye to those who passed. So we became sad. We grieved.

According to medical staff at the Mayo Clinic, grief makes us “feel numb or empty, angry, or unable to feel joy or sadness.” Grief can also show up in physical issues such as insomnia, feeling tired, weakened muscles, and nightmares. For some people grief makes us want to socially withdraw.

In the Psalms, David often turns to God in times of loss, chaos, and remorse. He lifts his hands and cries out for mercy and God’s unfailing love. Doing so shows his posture of humility and God’s sufficiency.

How about you? What space has the pandemic left you in? One of anger or anxiety or regret or sadness? How can your life with God help bring healing and hope? Let us lean into God and his loving care as we grieve for what we have lost and are thankful for what we have, and especially for the future unfolding.

Dear God, this past season has been hard. We have lost many things never to be replaced or reclaimed. Yet you are plenty for us. I celebrate your sufficiency and gifts amidst this hardship, gifts such as friends, family, and church, and the brighter days to come. Thank you for showing mercy. I lift up my hands to you in praise and adoration.

Seize opportunities to turn your eyes upon Jesus, tell him how you feel, and worship and thank him for his compassionate presence.

By Bill Strom
Used by Permission