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A Direct Link

Published on May 10, 2017

Peace of God 2

For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.”  Romans 8:6

The peace of God can be directly linked with our obedience to God.

For years I had asked God to use me in a specific area of my life, but when He finally opened the door, I didn’t walk through. Instead of being obedient to what He was asking of me, I chose not to, and as a result, I lived with a sense of restlessness for a period of time. Stress and anxiety can often be self-induced due to our own choices that we make apart from God’s will in our lives. Lesson learned.

In John 4, Jesus told the Samaritan woman, who was drawing up water from the well, that He had living water for her by which she would never thirst again. What He was saying was that what He had to offer was far superior to what she currently needed. What He had to offer was something no one else could. What He desired to give her was authentic, eternal, and would never leave her wanting for more.

The things of this world leave us void, giving us fleeting emotions only to deceive us and keep us from the very nature of God. However, He longs to give us Himself ? leaving us feeling fulfilled and truly content if we hear His voice and follow Him.

When we give our life to Jesus and walk in God’s ways, we will have the peace of God no matter our circumstances. Apart from God and doing what He asks of us, we will never experience the fullness of what He has to offer us.

Heavenly Father, thank you that you are always with me and have given me Your Holy Spirit so I may know you and live according to Your Word. Amen.

By Brigitte Straub
Used by Permission

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