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Unashamed to Live for God

Published on February 18, 2023

“David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the Lord with all his might, while he and the entire house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouts and the sound of trumpets.” 2 Samuel 7:14

David’s life story reads like a page-turning biography. As a shepherd, he fought wild animals and giants; as a King, he led the nation of Israel. He was an accomplished musician and songwriter, people were continually out to kill him, and he committed scandalous sins.

My life, by comparison, seems pretty uneventful. I shuttle the kids to and from school, dance, and soccer; I cook for my family and work on our little farm. I sing on a worship team at church, but I’m certainly not writing the songs. And the only animal I’m fighting with is my moody cat.

Yet, looking deeper into the story of David’s life, I can’t help but find things I relate to as well. He stumbled over temptation and sin, like I do. He loved and trusted God, like I do. He passionately worshiped the Lord, like I do.

David wasn’t afraid to fully engage in the life God called him to. He didn’t consider himself too important that he couldn’t worship and dance before God with all his might. And he wasn’t too proud to prostrate himself before God in repentance when he sinned.

David understood that while men and women tend to focus on outward appearances, actions and abilities, God cares most about the heart. From his public displays of celebration and leadership to his private times of confession and worship, David desired to live his life for God.

Dear Lord, thank You for including David’s life story in the Bible to encourage us in our faith. Thank You that even though we sin, you still love us and forgive us when we come to You in repentance. Help me not compare myself to others or worry about what others are thinking about me. Help me to live unashamed to follow you. Amen.

By Caran Jantzen
Used by permission

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Further Reading

•  Making a Difference

•  Questions and Answers

•  Salvation Explained