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Which Path Should We Take?

Published on March 27, 2020

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)

Our family had gone for a walk around a nature conserve; it had a series of paths, bridges, ponds and creeks. Not far into our journey, we came to our first fork in the road. The kids stopped and asked us which path we should take.

As we continued walking, our older two felt more confident, and ran ahead of us. They must not have noticed that they had veered onto a different path; soon we were walking in two different directions.

It didn’t take long before we heard the calls. Mom, Dad. Where are you? What path are you on? We told them to walk back to the fork in the path and we would do the same. In less than a minute, we were reunited.

Just as our kids trusted our wisdom to help them return to us, so we are instructed to trust the Lord’s wisdom to lead and direct us.

The path ahead of us will be a mixture of blessings and hardships. As we seek the Lord, he will help us navigate through every situation that comes our way. As we submit to his will to bring glory to himself through our lives, he will fill our hearts with peace, and even joy, no matter our circumstances.

Lord, you are completely trustworthy and dependable. Help me to faithfully trust you. Fill my heart with peace and joy as I seek your will, and rely on your wisdom and understanding in all of my circumstances. And lead me on the path you have planned for me. Amen

Thought: Think of something in your life that you are struggling to trust God with. Ask God to help you surrender your will to his, and pray that he would direct your path. If you would like prayer for something you are struggling with, our prayer team would be happy to pray for you.

By Caran Jantzen
Used by Permission

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