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How Knowledge Strengthens You

Published on July 11, 2020

The people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.” Daniel 11:32 (ESV)

Every Christian understands that knowing God is the highest and best form of knowledge.

This spiritual knowledge is a source of strength to us in our faith. The scriptures describe believers as people who are enlightened and taught biblical truth about the Lord. They are said to “have an anointing from the Holy One,” (1 John 2:20) and it is the Holy Spirit’s particular office to guide them towards all truth in order to increase and cultivate their faith.

In addition to faith, knowledge strengthens love. Knowledge opens the door, and then through that door we see our Savior. Or, to use another analogy, knowledge paints the portrait of Jesus, and when we see that portrait, we love Him. We cannot love a Christ we do not know. If we only superficially have head knowledge of the greatness of Jesus, what He has done for us, and what He is doing now, we can’t love Him much. But the more we know Him intimately, the more we will love Him.

Knowledge also strengthens hope. How can we hope for something if we don’t know it exists? Hope is like a telescope, but until we understand how it works, our ignorance blocks our view of the glass, and we can see nothing at all. Knowledge removes the obstructive object, so when we look through the telescope we can see God’s glory to be revealed and anticipate it with joyous confidence.

Finally, knowledge gives us reason for patience. How will we have patience unless we know the mercy of Christ and understand the good which will ultimately come from the correction our heavenly Father sends us? Is there a single grace a Christian may experience which won’t be nurtured by increasing our knowledge of God?

How important it is that we grow both in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Question: How can you make a conscious effort to improve your knowledge of God?

Originally written by Charles H. Spurgeon.
Updated to modern English by Darren Hewer, 2009.

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