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Scorned Like the Master

Published on March 28, 2024

“It is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master.” Matthew 10:25a (ESV)

No one will dispute that it is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, since it would be improper for the servant to be exalted above his Master. When our Lord was on Earth, what sort of treatment did He receive? Were His claims acknowledged, His instructions followed, and His perfections worshiped by those He came to bless? No: “He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.” (Isaiah 53:3)

Outside the camp was His place, and cross-bearing was His occupation. Did the world provide Him with comfort and rest? No:

Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” (Matthew 8:20)

This inhospitable world offered Him no shelter. It cast Him out and crucified Him. You must expect the same, if you are a follower of Jesus, and maintain a consistent, Christ-like walk and conversation in your spiritual life. Other people, who see your increasing discipleship, will treat you as they treated the Savior: With despisal.

Don’t think that the world will admire you, or that the more holy and the more Christ-like you are, the more peaceably people will act towards you. If people did not prize the polished gem, do you expect that they will value the jewel in the rough?

If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign those of his household.” (Matthew 10:25b, ESV)

If we were more like Christ, we would be more hated by His enemies. It would be a sad dishonor for a child of God to be the world’s favorite. It is a troubling omen to hear a wicked world clap its hands and shout “Well done” to the Christian person. We may begin to look to our character (and wonder whether we have not been doing wrong) when the unrighteous give us their admiration.

Let us be true to our Master, and accept no exaltation from a blind and depraved world which scorns and rejects Him. Far be it from us to seek a crown of honor after our Lord received only a crown of thorn!

Originally written by Charles H. Spurgeon,
Updated to modern English by Darren Hewer, 2011.
Used by Permission

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