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Trust in the Wait

Published on February 5, 2025

Waiting on God stretches our trust in Him, especially when we are urgently longing for His intervention or guidance in a situation. From our earthly perspective and with our limited knowledge, it may seem as if He doesn’t care, but that is far from the truth.

God uses times of waiting to strengthen our trust in Him, and reminding ourselves of His character and abilities helps build confidence in our Father. So as you wait, remember:

Psalm 33:13-22

The Lord has all-encompassing knowledge of every detail of your circumstances.
He has complete understanding of the motives and intentions of everyone involved in your situation.
God’s power is greater than all your efforts to solve your problems. Neither you nor anyone else can thwart His plans.
His eye is always on you during the wait, and He is your help and protection.
His loving kindness continually rests upon you.

Whenever you’re overcome with a sense of urgency or uncertainty, remember who God is and what He has promised to do for you. Although He may not work everything out as you desire, it will be according to His perfect wisdom and for your good—and in this you can rejoice.

By Dr. Charles Stanley
Used by Permission

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