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That’s It?

Published on February 8, 2021

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Years ago I walked into the Registrar’s office and changed the course of my life. I remember looking at my signature on a little piece of paper and thinking, “That’s it?” Changing programs was such a big decision—shouldn’t there be more to it?

Sometimes I view salvation the same way. It feels like there should be more for me to do. It’s hard to accept that my part is so small. I don’t deserve salvation. I can’t earn it. I can’t train for it. All I can do is humbly admit my need for a Savior, believe in Jesus and place my faith in Him.

It is only God Himself dying in my place that can save me. Utter dependence is an unfamiliar posture. How wise of God to place me in this position from the very beginning of my faith journey!

Any time I think I can live the Christian life in my own strength, I’m in trouble. When I’m tempted to do it my way, to tough it out or go at it alone, I look to the cross. It wasn’t up to me then; it’s not up to me now. How do you view the cross?

Father in heaven, thank You for the incredible gift of salvation. Forgive me for the times when I try to do things on my own. Teach my proud heart to look only to You. It’s only You that saves me. It is only You who gives my life purpose and meaning. There is nothing I can add to what You’ve done. Thank You for loving me. May I reflect Your love in all I say and do today. Amen.

By Claire Colvin
Used by Permission

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