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Trusting God Takes Practice

Published on January 20, 2022

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

My pastor was talking about trust and the vital importance of trusting God. He asked us, “What is under your standing? What are you basing your choices on? Do you believe that God is for you? Do you believe that His plans for you are good? Do you believe that God is going to show up?”

These are great questions. God is fully trustworthy. He has given us His whole heart. He’s all in.

Are you?

Am I?

Proverbs 3:5-6 speaks about trusting God with our whole heart and acknowledging God in all our ways. Trust is not a one-time decision; it’s part of our relationship with God that requires constant maintenance. Every situation, every decision, every thought is a choice to trust God or not.

Trust is absolutely vital to having a close relationship with God. Trust in God opens the door to all sorts of healthy spiritual practices. When I trust God I don’t second-guess the way He blesses others. Trust keeps me from doubting His goodness when I don’t understand His timing.

Father in Heaven, so often I catch myself falling back into old habits and trying to solve things my way, in my timing. Help me to come to You first. I believe that You love me and I know that Your plans for me are for my benefit – even when they don’t feel very good. Help me to walk in the reality of Your love today and trust as one who’s heart is turned toward You. In Your name I pray, amen.

Put your trust into practice today –  Track your doubts for a day. Really pay attention to your thoughts and practice trusting God. When fear or doubt creeps in stop that thought and pray. Ask God for His peace. Once you’ve counted your doubts for a day, see if you can make the next day’s number smaller.

By Claire Colvin
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

Hearing God’s Voice

• Stepping Into a Personal Revival

•  Salvation Explained

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