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Holiness for Evangelism

Published on May 29, 2009

Originally, written by Charles H. Spurgeon. Updated to modern English, by Darren Hewer 2009.

Woe to me that I dwell in Meshech, that I live among the tents of Kedar!”  Psalm 120:5

As a Christian you presently live in an ungodly world, and it’s little use to cry “Woe is me.” Jesus did not pray that you would be taken out of the world, and what He did not pray for you do not need. It’s far better to, in the Lord’s strength, meet the difficulty, and glorify Him through it.

Satan is always watching to detect any flaws in your actions. Therefore, be holy. Remember too that the eyes of all non-Christians are also watching you, and more is expected from you than from other people. Strive to give them no reason to accuse you. Let your goodness be the only “fault” they can discover in you. Like Daniel, make them to say about you, “We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with the law of his God.” (Daniel 6:5)

Seek to serve God as well as to have ethical conduct. Perhaps you might think, “If I were in a more favorable position I might serve the Lord, but I can’t do any good where I am.” But the worse the people are around you, the more they need you to share God’s love with them. Those who are near yet not with God, and those who are far from Him, all need someone like you to turn their proud hearts to the truth.

A doctor should be where there are many who are sick. (Mark 2:17) Likewise, the place for a soldier is in the midst of the battle. And when you are tired of all the sin and struggle that seems to meet you at every turn, consider that all God’s saints through the ages have endured the trials too. They were not carried on soft beds to heaven, and you must not expect to travel any more easily. They risked their lives, and you will not be crowned until you have endured hardship as a valiant servant of Jesus Christ. Therefore, “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.” (1 Corinthians 16:13, TNIV)

Question: How does holiness affect your witness to others?

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