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Caution! Don’t Jump the Due Process

Published on February 18, 2019

Speed breakers are designed and constructed on our roads so that, motorists will apply some sense of control while driving. It keeps them cautious and reduces their haste. Having to drive through some areas without these bumps, will be an outright suicide.

Today, the world is almost accelerating faster than the wind. Everything is on a high speed. Fast food, fast lane, fast track, crashed courses, fast this and fast that – everyone you see, is in a hurry to achieve one thing or the other.

Being that peoples’ minds are set on achieving things faster than necessary; they care less about the consequences that follows their actions. Just as speed breakers are constructed on the roads to keep reckless drivers from getting killed, as a result of over speeding, God allows breaks here and there, to keep people in check.

What are you in a haste to achieve? Is it worth the stress?

Success in life is not based on how fast anyone can run but, on how well you finished. Applying a little caution where necessary, will help you readjust and emphasize on things that really matter. Motorists who speed recklessly, end up with either broken bones or below six feet – so do people who are in an undue haste to run ahead of life, end up in utter destruction.

God is telling you; don’t jump the due process.

Patience is a Christian virtue, although sadly, a lot of believers had deleted it from their lives. Being patient and careful in your life pursuits, doesn’t mean you are a weakling, it shows you are prudent and wise.

Let us apply a little caution, and abstain from the inordinate haste that has overtaken the world. Know that, anyone who does anything in a haste without God, ends up in a recycled struggle. What am I saying? It is in God to bless. His will is that you will prosper. At the same time, He doesn’t want you to end up in vanity.

The wise are cautious and avoid danger; fools plunge ahead with reckless confidence.” (Proverbs 14:16)

By Deborah Yemi- Oladayo
used by Permission

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