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I Am With You In This

Published on December 9, 2023

During the intense 2020 pandemic lock down, I was pregnant. It was a dire uncertain time for my family. News of the terrible happenings around the world gripped me with fear of the unknown. Accessing antenatal care during the pandemic in my region, was in Gods hands. There was absolute tension everywhere.

Did I mention that I was barely five months into a new job when COVID broke out? I was unsettled I would lose the job, as the company started losing its major business segments. In my fidgeting moments, a clam voice whispered, I am with you in this.

In the seventh month of my pregnancy, during one of the routine scans to determine why my stomach was bulging rapidly out of control, it was discovered that I had a medical condition that I am thankful I cannot even remember its name now. The gynecologist announced that the pregnancy was at risk and there were chances the baby will be abnormal. I held hands with my husband and called unto God for help. Again, in my fidgeting moments, a clam voice whispered, I am with you in this.

I lived each day at a time. I prayed. I worshiped and I hoped in the Lord. On the ninth month, my baby was delivered without a single complication. She is normal and super healthy! My company downsized, even with the last come, first to go rule, God preserved my job.

Are you experiencing such an uncertain time like I did, and you are wondering how you will ever get out of it?

God is saying, I am with you in this.

When we hear such comforting words from the Lord, what does it mean? It means:

  1. I am strengthening your faith and teaching you to solely depend on me in trying times.
  2. It means, Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, When the Lord commandeth it not? (Lamentation 3:37)
  3. It means, The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged (Deuteronomy 31:8)
  4. It means, I want to be glorified through your challenges.
  5. It means, The Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. (Psalm 121: 5,6)

When we are in the middle of a storm, we tend to allow fear of the unknown to grip our hearts – I have been there. Listen, for every situation we go through, Jesus is right there with us. He was there with Daniel in the lion’s den. He was with Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace of Nebuchadnezzar. He was with Paul and Silas in the prison. Beloved, Jesus is there with you.

Listen again, His clam voice is whispering, I am with you in this.

By Deborah Oladayo
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

• I Am With You – by Phil Ware

Jesus is With You Always –  by Charles Spurgeon

The Peace of His Presence – by Sylvia Gunter