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When God Interrupts Our Plans

Published on October 26, 2023

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughtsIsaiah 55:8, 9

My parents wanted me to become an Economist but I wanted a career in Mass Communication. I set off, weighing my options and chances without consulting God. Then came series of delays, disappointments and frustrations – God had a different agenda. Neither my parents’ plans nor mine met His priority list. He knows the future; He has a different assignment altogether wrapped up for me. The best way to make this happen was by allowing my arrangements to be interrupted through orchestrated disappointments so that, His divine will could be done in my life. Today, I am happy and fulfilled – God has positioned me where I am meant to be.

Can you relate to my story above? Are there times you got stuck with your aspirations or life pursuit? Your answer is simply the same as many others out there. Life is filled with dreams, and cravings. Daily, we find ourselves engrossed with lots of desperate visions. Little do we truly consider the future validity of our longings in the light of God’s purposes for us.

Pause and ponder over some disappointments you’ve encountered in life. Do you think they all happened by mistake? There are such disappointments that happen in life that were allowed by God to stop us on our tracks and prevent us from making grave mistakes. It could be disappointment in our relationships, carrier path, where to settle down, who to marry or businesses to engage in.

God is an All-Knowing God who sees the end from the beginning. Human beings are limited in their knowledge and see just the present. In our text above, the phrase “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts” connotes the huge disparity between God’s wisdom and our limited understanding. We are confined to our little thoughts while God is universal.

It is not all problems and disappointments that are destructive. Lots of them are organized compasses that redirect us to our places of purpose. What are you presently passing through? Heart break, delays or inexplicable circumstances? I want to encourage you that, there is a message behind that heartache. Like a loving father, God is protecting you from an unseen havoc. It might seem painful right now but, if you choose to obey God and let Him have His way, you will be happier at the end.


By Deborah Yemi-Oladayo
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

• God’s Plan or My Plan? – Don Myers on Discerning God’s Will

We Plan – God Directs – by Katherine Kehler

Trusting God’s Plan in Trouble – by Charles Stanley