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Overcoming the Stronghold of Fear

Published on May 16, 2017

fear boy couch

Fear of failure was once a stronghold in my life. It would come to affect my decision making, how I took criticism, and how I would deal with circumstances. I admit, I still deal with fear, just not with the stronghold of it anymore. Our God is bigger than our problems and mightier than our circumstances. With our faith in Him, fear is no longer a stronghold.

The story of David and Goliath is a story that almost everyone has heard. The reason it is so often told, is because it shows us how to overcome our fears. David had fears in his life, but he understood how his faith in God would always lead to a victory over those fears.

David was aware of his own abilities and strengths, knowing they came from God. Others however, did not see those abilities. They only saw his small size, what they thought they knew of him, and their own fears. David didn’t listen to their fears, take stock in their opinions, or allow himself to be affected by their harsh words. Instead he relied on God, refusing to let anyone else decide his fate.

Every day we will encounter giants in our lives. On some of those days the giants will act and look like Goliath. It is imperative to remember that it is not within “us” that we find the strength to face these giants. Only God can provide the peace, courage, and boldness that will lead us to victory.

A Call to Action:

What fears are you dealing with right now, and do they have a stronghold on your life? Read the full story of David and Goliath (1Samuel 17:1-51), as well as the story of Saul turning on David (1Samuel 17-22). Place all fears at the feet of our living God, and trust in Him.

By Daniel Forster

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