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Worth the Effort

Published on May 12, 2017

Worth the Effort

May God give you more and more grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord.”  2 Peter 1:2 (AMP)

I tried many things to fill the void in my life. However, in reflection, I realize that I forfeited peace often over the years because I didn’t seek to know God more. I didn’t put the necessary effort into memorizing scripture and working at renewing my mind. I panicked instead of praying. I looked at my circumstances instead of God’s promises. Then, I decided to trust Him more and more. Peace at last flooded in.

Do you remember your first experience of the overwhelming sense of God’s presence that accompanies trusting in Jesus? When people first experience forgiveness and life in Jesus, one of their first responses may be astonishment over how much peace occurs ? especially in their minds. That is how it was with me. At first, I sensed much contentment — it was greater than anything I had ever experienced.

I soon realized that along with this contentment and a desire to follow Christ wholeheartedly comes a battle — the battle for our will and for our minds. No surprise there. Jesus promised that in this world we would have trouble (John 16:33).

However, He also promised His peace could reign in our hearts, not just the first time we come to Him, but every time. We can retain that peaceful sensation no matter what bombards us in life. Growing in our knowledge of the Lord is a lifelong pursuit. Peter reminds us it is worth every effort. He says God will provide more and more grace and peace as we grow in our knowledge of Jesus our Lord.

Lord, thank you for your promise of grace and peace as we grow in our knowledge you. Teach me to know you. Write your word on my heart. Help me pray according to your will and pray through everything I need. Thank you that you hear and will answer according to your will. Thank you for the promise of your peace — beyond anything this world can give. Amen.

By Donna Mitchell

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