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Imperfect Me

Published on January 12, 2021

“A dispute also arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest” Luke 22:24

I jumped in my car. Running late again, I decided to take a few shortcuts. But things didn’t work out as I had hoped. First, a car stopped in front of me with their right turn signal flashing, but they refused to turn right. Yes, the traffic light was red, but I could see it was safe to make the turn. Why don’t they see the obvious, I thought. From that point on, every traffic light turned red just when I approached the intersection.

The perceived faults of others clashed with me all over the place that day. I certainly did not handle the tiniest of blunders of those around me very well.

In Mark 10, Peter argues with the other disciples about, “Which one of us is the greatest!” The wrong question to ask for sure. But does Jesus have a breakdown and scream at Peter? No, he does just the opposite. Jesus patiently instructs Peter, along with all the rest of them.

When we find ourselves short-tempered with those around us, Jesus wants us to look back at all the times he has been patient with us. Christ knows all our mistakes, shortcomings, and failures. Yet, he continues to wait for us to change our ways and do better next time.

Jesus loves imperfect people. None of us are without our share of faults. God’s boundless patience should remind us to be more loving to the imperfect people around us who are just like us. Imperfect.

Lord, give me the grace to be more patient with others during those times when I feel just worn down with the challenges of life. And whenever my thoughts become critical of others, let thoughts of your kindness and patience help me to be less judgmental and difficult. Amen.

Thank God that you do not have to produce patience in your own strength. Rather, his Spirit, living in you, enables you to respond with patience as you trust him to do so.

By Doug Lim
used by Permission

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