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Keep in Touch with Him

Published on November 21, 2022

“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:12

I overlooked something important.

Everything in my life was going well at the time. The kids liked their school and friends. I enjoyed my career, and with a recent promotion came more income. Besides, the drive back from work barely took 10 minutes, which gave me more time to spend with the family.

After dinner, I stretched out on my favorite lounge chair and made plans for the weekend. I scribbled down a list of things to do and discovered something missing from not only my list but from my everyday life.

With a life filled with our kids’ school activities, soccer games, and nine holes of golf on the weekends, I gave little attention to prayer. I overlooked God’s importance and failed to recognize God’s care and blessings in our lives.

We read in Jeremiah 29 that God expects us to call on him; he is always ready to listen. Without time in prayer, we can lose touch with him and cease to experience his power in our lives over time.

As Christians, prayer is central to our faith. It strengthens our relationship with him and deepens our trust. Prayer helps us understand his will. And it opens our hearts to witness his loving actions in our lives and enables us to make sense of his divine plan when the plan seems unclear.

God wants us to make prayer a treasured activity. It is the perfect defense against indifference towards the One who provides all good things.

We are his children, and he waits to hear from us daily. Our faith deepens as we spend time with our Savior. Let us make sure to keep in touch.

Lord, never let us lose touch with you. Remind us that no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in, you are only a prayer away—eager to listen and help. Amen.

Remember that the Lord is ready to listen. Share what is on your mind with him, whether it is good or bad. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance, to lead you to surrender and repentance.

By Doug Lim
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   How to Pray

•  Prayer is Talking to God

•  Salvation Explained