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No Room for Jesus

Published on June 7, 2021

She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them”   Luke 2:7

We attended a family gathering a couple of years ago to celebrate a young couple’s fifth wedding anniversary. During dinner, I noticed our kids taking only a small portion from each of the delicious dishes paraded in front of them. I knew they were hungry because they had told me so.

After we finished several courses, our hostess announced it was time for dessert. The desserts looked incredible, but I could not eat another thing. I overheard the kids whispering to each other. “It was a good idea that we made room for dessert.” Suddenly, it all made sense. They planned all along to save valuable tummy space for dessert.

As Christians, we often forget to plan ahead and end up stuffing ourselves with things of this world, discovering we have left little room for Jesus in our daily lives. For many of us, we make time to chat with friends and colleagues, respond to text messages, and participate in social activities. How can we make the same time for our relationship with our heavenly Father who loves us?

God wants us to make him a priority, which means making room for Jesus. We can ask the Holy Spirit to help us glorify our Savior above all. Although we do not get text messages from him, he is worth far more than just another ping on our phones.

Christ is our source for truth, goodness, beauty, and love in our lives. When our relationship with Jesus is a priority, nothing else is as important as our Lord and Savior.

Let us make room in our hearts each day just for Jesus.

Lord, let me not be so attached to the activities of this world that I forget to include you in my daily life. You have given me many good things and helped me in many ways. The least I can do is make room in my day to give thanks and praise to you. Amen.

Evaluate how you spend your time. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you where you can make more time to spend with Jesus.

By Doug Lim
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Continuous Partial Attention Is your prayer time undistracted?
•  A Bible Study on Waiting on God By Sylvia Gunter
•  Salvation Explained

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