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Safe Place to Grow

Published on October 8, 2022

If you, LORD, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you.”  Psalm 130:3-4

Who does not make mistakes?

Early in my career as a new hire, my supervisor required all the trainees to follow a strict set of standards.

During the review of our work, he jagged his finger at our errors and highlighted them with his red marking pen. Even with nothing said, I still heard a snarl amid the strokes of his red pen.

It seemed he documented our mistakes in his logbook for posterity. The blunder log—as we employees called it—added to the pressure we already carried. Preventing any slip- ups was more critical to our supervisor than our growth and success.

Our supervisor had no clue that his constant badgering about every little thing annoyed the team and everyone around him. He hurt morale and caused so much tension and disruption.

“… And God stepped in,” as the saying goes. A new department opened up. I got a notice to pack my bags and get ready to move. My new supervisor never tallied the mistakes in a logbook. It was as different as night and day. He encouraged the team when things did not go as planned.

My new supervisor had a profound impact on me over the years. I modeled myself after him in some ways to guide and hopefully inspire my children, friends, and colleagues. He led with compassion and understanding, putting mistakes aside and giving us another opportunity to do better.

God does not tally our blunders in his logbook or entangle us in shame. He encourages us, offers a new beginning, and promises to remember our sins no more, always taking an interest in the vocation he calls us to fulfill.

We can thank our Savior for not keeping a logbook of our mistakes and for the safe place in him that allows us to grow from our mistakes without fear.

Lord, you know my blunders—every single one of them. Thank you for putting them aside and giving me another opportunity to do better. I am grateful for your grace and encouragement. Amen.

Let us look for opportunities to bless those around us by not keeping a log of their mistakes and encouraging them instead.

By Doug Lim
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   God Is…

•  More than a Father

•  Salvation Explained