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Your Hope in Him is Never in Vain

Published on February 17, 2023

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”  Hebrews 10:23

I had dinner out with my wife the other day, and the subject of hope came up. We agreed that many people are experiencing hopelessness during these unprecedented times.

As Christians, we know how easy it is to lose hope when we lose sight of Christ.

In Hebrews 10, the writer reminds us to live our faith rooted in hope. There is never a reason we cannot put our trust in our Savior, persevering even when things seem bleak. That is our duty as believers in Christ; he will never fail us.

Hope in Jesus is never in vain. When it looks impossible that help will arrive in time, we can count on him to save us. He is ready to send in a cavalry of faithful believers or provide another surprising way to rescue us.

And we should never be downcast (Psalm 43:5). God is waiting for us to bring all our worries and doubts to him in faith. He has a plan for our lives if we do not waver, remembering to cling to him when things get rocky along the journey.

Yes, we might feel like giving up sometimes because we do not know what to expect anymore. But our Savior’s love and compassion should inspire us to continue. God is always with us, and his promises endure forever. We can lean on his Word with complete confidence.

There is no other way to learn the power of hope than to place our complete trust in him when confronted with seemingly insurmountable challenges, holding tight until the last hour, persevering, and trusting a blessing is coming our way.

So keep hope alive, and do not be afraid (Mark 5:36), trusting he will lead us out of the darkness into his light, leading us through a new door of new opportunities.

Lord, you know how easily I can lose hope during trials. Help me trust in and through you so that I regain the hope I need to persevere, believing you will send help my way at the right time. Amen.

By Doug Lim
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  How to Pray

•  Hope for the Hopeless

•  A Poem of Hope