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What We Believe, We Attract

Published on March 5, 2019

The LORD will have compassion on Jacob; once again he will choose Israel and will settle them in their own land…  Isaiah 14:1

During the time of Exodus, while the Israelites were passing through the wilderness, their provision came from God alone. Each time they had needs, Moses called on God. God heard and provided miracles like manna for their daily bread, quails for meat, and water in the desert. Eventually, they trusted Him, so He let them enter the land He promised.

Then, they became discontent. They worshiped false gods and complained, which displeased God. So He exiled them from the land He had promised them. But Isaiah reminded them that God still loved them and would fulfill His promises.

God’s heart of compassion knew the right time to settle them in their own land again. He is such an awesome and loving Father! He wanted to fulfill His promises made to Jacob, Abraham and Isaac. So, God insisted on being true to His word. Today, God is still at work for the Jews and for us.

God’s plan for our lives as Christ-followers is beyond our expectations. We can read about the Israelites’ mistakes, but will we learn from them? Do we do anything to display a lack of trust in God when we don’t get our way? Do we seek other “gods”?

Our momentary discontent cannot separate us from God’s love. His heart of compassion is stirred towards us, just like it was for the Israelites, though it may mean disciplining us. Even so, God will not withhold His love from us or abandon His plan.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the great plan you have for my life. Strengthen me so I won’t complain but give thanks. Help me to put my trust in you and your love. In Jesus’ name, I ask. Amen.

By Fab Batsakis
Used by Permission

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