“The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” Matthew 7:25
It’s easy to cut corners when building a house. It can seem cheaper to spend less on the materials initially, but in the long run, it costs a lot less to build a strong house than a flimsy one that will need constant repairs. The builder may be tempted to pay more attention to the beauty of the house than its purpose and strength. Yet, that’s not ideal.
A house can represent a physical building, but it can also be a life, a marriage, a family, a ministry, or a business. It’s fundamental to focus on the reason for building this ”house.” Ask yourself what result you want to see. In addition, think about the people who need that house and the difference it makes to them.
In this passage, Jesus explained why building wisely is vital. Jesus taught his apostles through His own life. They would be the pillars of His house; so He invested in them carefully and lovingly. Jesus prepared them thoroughly for the storm. Even though some failed Him, His house stood firm. He had laid a solid foundation that is still standing today and will stand firm for eternity.
Envision the possibility you see for the house. Lay a foundation that will lead you towards your vision. Set godly and reasonable standards. Build on the Cornerstone, which is on Jesus Himself, and your house, however you define it, will weather any storm.
Heavenly Father, I ask you to give me the wisdom to build the foundation of my house on Jesus, the Cornerstone. Thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen.
By Fab Batsakis
Used by Permission
- Build your House on the Rock
- The Wise Builder
- Unshaken
- Setting a Proper Foundation for Life
- The TRUE Foundation
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