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As My Heart Meets His Heart

Published on January 18, 2022

For your unfailing love is higher than the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the cloudsPsalm 108:4 NLT

Those brief whispers, You could have done better, remind me of my shortcomings.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes, I mean well, but I don’t do as well as I could have.

In such moments, I can go to the secret place, to someone with whom I can be me. I can listen. I can share what’s in my heart, whether I did it right or not. As my heart meets the heart of God, I sense that pure love flowing towards me. He understands me.

And I always hear that he can handle me — no matter where I’m at on my life’s journey! Let’s sigh. What a relief! To know there’s someone who is always listening to me. And to you too, if you wish!

God forgives. God is love. And God is helping me. Yes, me! And you too! If you ask. Oh, I hang on to those truths. I treasure them. I hold them so close to my heart. They keep me close to God.

So, even if life throws lemons at you and me at times, look out for how God will clean it up and send a breakthrough.

I have seen a faithful God for decades. Even if there’s darkness around, God will switch the light on to brighten your journey somewhere along the line.

Rejoice and know you can always go to the God of love. Believe in his faithfulness towards you. It’s never too late. The Almighty God works in various ways — ways that are beyond our imagination.

Father God, help me to always run to you no matter where I’m at on my life’s journey knowing that you love me and will show your faithfulness, in Jesus’ name. Thank you.

By Fab Batsakis
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  A Study on the Heart of God by Sylvia Gunter (Alphabet)

Your Father’s Heart Longs for You by Sylvia Gunter

•  Salvation Explained

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