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Hunting for the Truth?

Published on February 3, 2024

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever — the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you”. John 14:16-17

Have you ever believed in a fact for years only to discover that it’s not true? Not all facts are true. Some facts can turn out to be lies. Sometimes lies are subtle. Some facts are acceptable to some people… but should they be for you?

Is your opinion based on the truth? How do you know? So who has the right answer? It’s the Spirit of Truth. He’s dwelt in you since the day you said yes to Jesus. That’s when we know him. The Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Truth are the same. He is with you to help you, knowing God’s thoughts and yours. As the Spirit of God, he can help you discern truth from lies.

When you believe in God, the Spirit of Truth smiles. His pleasure is to glorify God and to assist you in discerning the right decisions. Let him save you from worrying and guide you on the true path that can give you freedom. He will quiet your heart with his truth, comfort you, and give you hope and wisdom as you learn to trust him.

Ask the Spirit of God to unveil any lies. If you long for the truth, he’ll reveal it to you. Pay attention to him. Acknowledge him. Listen to him. You can even ask him to confirm what he said. The most common way God speaks and shows the truth is in his Word. Read it, digest it, and use it.

Father God, thank you for the spirit of truth. Help me yield to him every day so I can receive all the help I need from him, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

By Fab Batsakis
Used by Permission

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Truth – A Devotional by Katherine Kehler

• Truth – A Devotional by Roy Lessin

Steps to Truth – A Devotional by Christa Hardin


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