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The Faith to Please

Published on June 11, 2019

And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.”  Hebrews 11:6 (NLT)

God asked Noah to build a large boat to save his family, a boat he had seen no one else build in the past. Noah needed divine direction to know the size of the boat and other details. So, Noah embraced God’s desires and plan, working by faith. He had to trust God step by step until he completed that boat.

As Noah built, he followed God’s vision for his life as well as the boat. If Noah hadn’t followed the divine instructions, although he built a boat, he could have displeased God. God’s heart desires became more important. Noah’s faith ended up growing as large as that boat! Noah became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith (Hebrews 11:7) when he did the works of faith.

Likewise, you and I can please God if we activate our faith to make things happen. Faith means more than working towards what you want. Focus instead on pleasing God.

Take action when God tells you to do something. Have faith in the desired result as God gives you step by step directions. If you don’t live by faith, you cannot please God. To get things done God’s way, you must activate your faith. How can you show your faith to others if you do not do the works of faith?

If we all had the faith of Noah, how much could we touch God’s heart? Think about the result in our communities if we worked in faith to please him?

Dear God, help me follow your plan for my life so I can please you. Let me walk by faith so I can see mighty things happen in my life as others see my faith in action. In Jesus’ name I ask, amen.

By Fab Batsakis
Used by Permission

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