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Uncomfortable Love

Published on April 27, 2017

And walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:2

Jesus Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us. Paul calls that act “a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” It was the will of God that Jesus should die on the cross. It was not an easy thing to do. But He did it anyway in obedience to the will of God and because of His love for us. Anytime we choose to do the will of God and obey what He has told us to do, it is an act of sacrifice to God.

There was a time I received a call from a sister in Christ who needed help. She was not feeling well. I had just arrived at home and was very tired. I could have decided to use that as an excuse and just pray with her over the phone. But instead, I went to meet with her, and glory to God, she was strengthened. Sometimes, we will need to go out of our way to show love to others.

Just as Jesus gave Himself for us, we need to give ourselves to others. It might be our time, a listening ear, or words of encouragement; whatever it is, love will place specific demands on us to give to others.

We are to walk in love towards people, regardless of who we think they are. Whenever we choose not to walk in love towards those the Lord has placed on our path, we deny God of a fragrant offering and sacrifice. Let’s take a moment to think about that.

Dear Lord Jesus, please help me to continually follow your example of love, by sacrificially giving myself for others. Amen.

By Folasade Oladapo
Used by permission

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