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Stronghold of the Godly; Humility

Published on July 9, 2017

Satan fears virtue. He is terrified of humility; he hates it. He sees a humble person and it sends chills down his back. His hair stands up when Christians kneel down, for humility is the surrender of the soul to God. The devil trembles before the meek because in the very areas where he once had access there stands the Lord, and Satan is terrified of Jesus Christ.

Who Truly Are You Fighting?
Before we launch into spiritual warfare, we should recognize that the immediate source of many of our problems and oppression’s is not demonic but fleshly in nature. One aspect of our lives, our flesh nature, will always be targeted by the devil. These fleshly or carnal areas supply Satan with a ready avenue of access to undermine and then neutralize our walk with God.

It is only our exaggerated sense of self-righteousness that prevents us from looking honestly at spiritual vulnerabilities. As Christians, we know the Holy Spirit dwells within us, but we must also be aware of where we are tolerating sin if we will be successful in our war against darkness.

Therefore, be specific when you submit yourself to God. Do not rationalize your sins or defend your failures. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ is a perfect shelter of grace enabling all men to look honestly at their needs. Accordingly, be honest with God. He will not be horrified or shocked by your sins. God loved you without restraint even when sin was rampant within you; how much more will He continue to love you as you seek His help to be free from iniquity?

Indeed, we must realize that many of our battles are merely the consequences of our own actions. To war effectively, we must separate what is of the flesh from what is of the devil.

Allow me to give you an example. My wife and I once lived in an area where a beautiful red cardinal kept its nest. Cardinals are very territorial and will fight off intruding cardinals zealously. At that time, we owned a van which had large side mirrors and chrome bumpers. Occasionally the cardinal would attack the bumpers or mirrors, thinking his reflection was another bird. One day as I watched the cardinal assail the mirror, I thought, “What a foolish creature; his enemy is merely the reflection of himself.” Immediately the Lord spoke to my heart: “And so also are many of your enemies the reflection of yourself.”

Before we develop more complex strategies, let us make sure that the real enemy is not our own carnal nature. Let us each inquire of the Lord, Are the things oppressing me today the harvest of what I planted yesterday?

Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5&6

By Francis Frangipane
Used by Permission

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Francis Frangipane