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Fit for the King

Published on March 4, 2017

Majestic Glorious Sunset sunrise

When you offer animals that are lame or sick, is that not evil? Present that to your governor; will he accept you or show you favor?” says the Lord of hosts.”  Malachi 1:8

It seemed perfectly reasonable. He needed the good lambs for his flock, but this lamb was already sick. It had a broken leg. Much better – he thought – for the lamb to die as a sacrifice to the Lord than in the jaws of a wolf. The Lord would understand. Yes?


Would you take a gift like that to the governor? You wouldn’t? Well, then what makes you think you can bring it to God? “I have no pleasure in you,” the Lord says, “for I am a great king, and my name will be feared among the nations” (Malachi 1:14). Over the centuries customs have changed, but there has always been and always will be an unchanging and very simple supreme test for worshiping God in truth.

Worship with anything less than our best is not worship at all.

True worship requires our best. Our best intention. Our best devotion. Our best offerings. And it’s not just a Sunday thing but an everyday thing. Our best everything, every day.

“What is this best that we must bring?” you ask. Remember the Little Drummer Boy?

“I am a poor boy too. / I have no gift to bring / That’s fit to give our King. / Shall I play for you? / I played my drum for Him. / I played my best for Him.”

Offer your best to the Lord. Never come with less. Then you will worship him truly, and He will be pleased with you.

Lord, you are not only my great king but my great Savior. I promise to serve you always with the best of all I have and am. Amen.

Thought — Discover the joy of giving to God the very best. Think and pray about what the best is that you have to offer. The Holy Spirit will help you understand what that means.

By Dr. Guy Safford
Used by permission

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