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Break Down the Wall

Published on January 12, 2025

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

That verse looks great to me. I want God to make my paths straight. I want God to show me the way to turn, what to pursue, or what to walk away from. So sitting doing my morning devotion this verse was nice to digest. You know how we skim right over things, looking on the surface level. We got it all under control right. But Gods’ ways are not our ways and He looks at the heart. He looks beneath the surface at a much deeper level.

As I began to really chew on this verse I became stuck on the first line. Trust in the LORD with ALL your heart…and in ALL your ways submit to Him. And then it hit me, I have a trust issue. My ultra-independence lifestyle was not moving in line with this scripture. I only allowed trust to go to a certain extent, as if I knew, in the end, I would have to figure it out on my own.

Maybe that is where you find yourself today, stuck in the trust rut. Maybe you do trust some people but only up to a limit, guarding yourself against let down. That day that one person broke your heart you vowed to never let anyone get that close again. Or maybe a friendship that was all take and no give, made you really put a wall up. Every time that person you really trusted lied to you, hurt you, left you, you placed the bricks up one by one.

Now this wall in the back corner of your heart is impenetrable. Nothing gets in, nothing gets out. I have good news for you my friend, God wants that part too. He wants to break through the wall and heal every single bit of your aching heart. He wants to remove the damage that has been caused and give you a new heart. God does not just want the pretty put together pieces of you that look good on the surface. He wants the dark ugly parts. The ones that if you focus on enough you can still feel the sting of the pain.

God is able and willing to heal you today. Surrender over the need to do it all on your own. I can promise you with Him fighting for you nothing can stand against you. Not even walls guarding your hurting heart. Turn to Him today ask Him into that area to remove it once and for all. He is faithful and can be trusted. He wants to fill every void that was ever left in your heart. Allow Him in.

By Heather Bost
Used by Permission

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